Morwenna Lake
Continuous Making
Continuous making is an ongoing project with no end date. Using a handmade bobbin, I weave wool through the hole in the middle, using recycled wool. The focus is that the making of an object brings a sense of well being and satisfaction to the maker, and that this can be imparted to the viewer through discussion and the sharing of a technique.
This work also references Marcel Duchamp's Boite en Valise – a work which can be taken anywhere.This work highlights the importance of touch and making to our own well being, as well as the huge satisfaction gained from making something consciously, using the hands. The immediacy of the handmade keeps us in the present moment, while offering lasting satisfaction once made. Making is the antidote to our need to acquire (buy) things. The lack of making in everyday life is quite possibly the reason for this feverish desire for new belongings.